26. Ecology Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)

01. Recognize the relationships that organisms have to each other in an ecosystem.
02. Understand that useful energy is lost as energy passes from one trophic level to the next (about 90% is lost).
03. Understand that useful chemicals (nutrients) are recycled.
04. Understand that humans have converted natural ecosystems to human use.
05. Understand that organisms interact in a variety of ways within ecological communities.
06. Recognize that ecological communities proceed through a series of stages to stable climax communities.
07. Name and list characteristics of the major biomes.
08. Recognize that ecological populations vary (in gene frequency, age structure, sex ratio, density).
09. Describe the characteristics of a typical population growth curve.
10. Understand why populations grow.
11. Recognize the pressures that ultimately limit population size.
12. Understand that human populations obey the same rules of growth as populations of other kinds of organisms.
13. Define selected key terms.


1. Draw a food chain:

2. Ecological terminology for "autotroph": ________________________________________

3. Ecological terminology for "heterotroph": ________________________________________

4. Name three groups of ecological consumers: ___________________________________________________

5. Ecology is the branch of biology that studies ____________ between ____________ and their ____________.

6. Living parts of the environment: _____________________________________

7. Non-living parts of the environment: _____________________________________

8. Name the trophic levels of the food chain: corn > cow > human


9. How many kilo cow can you feed on 500 kg corn (about 1100 lbs corn)?
Fill in the missing (blanks) amounts based on the food chain above (question 8):

500 kg corn > ________ kg cow > ________ kg human

10. Explain "Producer": ___________________________________________________________________

11. Explain "Consumer": ___________________________________________________________________

12. Organisms feeding on plants: _______________________________________

13. Three kinds of ecological pyramids:


14. Name three limiting factors:


15. Name three abiotic factors:


16. Name three biogeochemical cycles:


17. Name three patterns of dispersal:


18. Draw a J-shaped curve: 14. Draw an S-shaped curve:19. Draw the human population curve:

20. Last stage of succession: _______________________________________

21. Major biomes fr. north to the equator: ______________________________________________________________________



22. Distinct biomes prevail at certain: 1. _____________________, 2. ____________________

23. Rain shadow: _______________________________________________________________________

24. True or false:

Thirds trophic level = carnivore.__ Second trophic level = herbivore.__ First trophic level = producer.__

25. A system of interlocking food chains: ______________________________

26. The most common distribution pattern: _______________________________

27. True or false: This is a typical food chain: worm > bird > cat: : ______

28. Draw and label an ecological pyramid:

General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

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-- Disclaimer: "Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice", at the time of writing located as a file under the South Texas Community College's (STCC) web server with the general URL http://stcc.cc.tx.us/, is the intellectual property of Dr. Jan A. Nilsson, member of STCC biology faculty. The content of Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice does not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the STCC faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Trustees.