24. Classification: Animalia (Vertebrates) Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)

1. Discuss the characteristics of the Phylum Chordata, and some criteria used in classifying vertebrate animals.
2. List the major classes of the subphylum Vertebrata, and give some examples of each.
3. List the major sub classes of the class Mammalia, and give some examples of each.
4. Define selected key terms.


01. List four characteristics shared by all animals in the chordata:

i. _______________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________

iii. _______________________________________________________

iv. _______________________________________________________

02. Name the most avanced Vertebrata class and the most primitive Vertebrata class:

i. Most advanced: _______________________________________________________

ii. Most primitive: _______________________________________________________

03. Considering an evolutionary tree with the evolutionary most advanced taxa on top of the tree, and the most primitive taxa on the bottom of the tree, choose the most primitive Vertebrata group:

a. mammalia
b. amphibians
c. jawless fish ________________
d. cartilaginous fish
e. bony fish

04. Considering an evolutionary tree with the evolutionary most advanced taxa on top of the tree, and the most primitive taxa on the bottom of the tree, choose the most advanced Vertebrata group:

a. mammalia
b. birds
c. reptiles ________________
d. amphibians
e. jawless fish

05. Demonstrate that you understand vertebrate characteristics:

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with vertebrae: _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with jaws: _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with bony skeleton (or lungs/lung precursor): _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with limbs: _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with an amnion: _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with feathers: _______________________________________________________

Name the most primitive vertebrate class with hair: _______________________________________________________

06. Demonstrate that you understand mammal characteristics:

Name the mammal subclass that lay egg: ______________________ example: ______________________

Name the mammal subclass with pouches: ______________________ example: ______________________

Name the mammal subclass with placenta: ______________________ example: ______________________

08. Give five examples (common names) of animal orders in the placental mammals: (do NOT use the example above)

i. _____________________________ example: _____________________________

ii. _____________________________ example: _____________________________

iii. _____________________________ example: _____________________________

ii. _____________________________ example: _____________________________

iii. _____________________________ example: _____________________________

09. Answer the following about Tun icates and Lancelets:

True (a) or False (B): Tunicates and Lancelets are vertebrates. _______

True (a) or False (B): Tunicates and Lancelets are invertebrates. _______

True (a) or False (B): Tunicates and Lancelets are chordates. _______


10. True (a) or False (b): Human activities caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. ________

11. Which organism came (evolved) last?

a. Dinosaurs
b. Bacteria
c. Birds ________________
d. Humans
e. Insects

12. Select the correct evolutionary sequence:

A. humans, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs extinct
B. fishes, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs extinct, humans
C. invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs extinct, humans ________________
D. invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, humans, dinosaurs extinct
E. invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, humans, dinosaurs extinct

13. Demonstrate that you understand human classification:

13A. Hominidae:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13B. Hominoidea:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13C. Anthropoids:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13D. Primates:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13E. Mammalia:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13F. Chordata:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13G. Animalia:

A. Man
B. Chimpanzee
C. Monkeys ________________
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C

13H. Scientific name of Man:

A. Homo sepiens
B. Homo Sapiens
C. Homo sapien ________________
D. Homo sapiens
E. Homo sapien

14. Select the correct evolutionary time table:

A. Mammals, flowering plants, Primates, Prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominoids, Hominids
B. Mammals, Primates, flowering plants, Prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominoids, Hominids
C. Flowering plants, mammals, Primates, Prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominids, Hominoids ________________
D. Mammals, flowering plants, Primates, Prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominids, Hominoids
E. Mammals, flowering plants, Prosimians, Primates, Anthropoids, Hominoids, Hominids

15. In your own words explain why human evolution is covered in this chapter about vertebrate animals:


16. Explain the figure below:




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