23. Classification: Animalia Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)


1. Discuss the characteristics of the kingdom Animalia, and some criteria used in classifying animals.
2. List the major phyla of the animals and give some examples of each.
3. List the major classes of the Mollusca, and Arthropoda, and give some examples of each.
4. List the way animals differ from bacteria, protista, fungi, and plantae.
5. Define selected key terms.



01. True (a) or false (b): The animals can photosynthesize. _________

02. The animals are autotrophs or heterotrophs? ________________________________________

03. List the major evolutionary trends in the animal groups, in evolutionary order (most primitive first (=i), using the characteristics listed below, and give an example (a phylum): protostome, deuterostome (= embryonic opening), bilateral, asymmetry, radial (= symmetry), acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate (= body cavity).

i. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

ii. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

iii. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

iv. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

v. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

vi. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

vii. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

viii. ______________________________________________ phylum example: _______________________________________________

04. i. Most advanced Animalia phylum: __________________________ ii. Most primitive Animalia phylum: __________________________

05. Considering an evolutionary tree with the evolutionary most advanced taxa on top of the tree, and the most primitive taxa on the bottom of the tree, choose the most primitive animal (Animalia) group:
a. amoebans
b. sponges
c. cnidarians
d. flatworms
e. segmented worms

06. Considering an evolutionary tree with the evolutionary most advanced taxa on top of the tree, and the most primitive taxa on the bottom of the tree, choose the most advanced animal (Animalia) group:
a. chordata
b. arthropoda
c. porifera
d. a and b
e. b and c

07. Name an animal group with radial symmetry: _____________________________________________________

Name an animal group with bilateral symmetry: ___________________________________________________

Name an animal group with asymmetry: _________________________________________________________

08. Name a coelomate animal group: ______________________________________________________________

Name a pseudocoelomate animal group: _________________________________________________________

Name an acoelomate animal group: _____________________________________________________________

09. Name a protostome animal group: _____________________________________________________________

Name a deuterostome animal group: ___________________________________________________________

10. Explain the figure below:




General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

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