21. Classification: Fungi Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)


1. Discuss the characteristics of the kingdom Fungi, and some criteria used in classifying fungi.
2. List the major phyla of the fungi and give some examples of each.
3. List the way fungi differ from bacteria, and protista.
4. Define selected key terms.


01. True (a) or false (b): The fungi can photosynthesize. _________

02. The fungi are autotrophs or heterotrophs? ______________________________________________________

03. Four of the five phyla listed below have been observed having both a sexual and an asexual life stage. Select the EXCEPTION.
A. zygomycota
B. ascomycota
C. basidiomycota __________
D. deuteromycota
E. oomycota

04. List the five phyla of fungi: ____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

05. Name a fungus used as an antibiotic, and place it in the correct phylum.

______________________________________________ __________________________________________________

06. Used for bread, beer, and wine production
A. Rhizopus
B. Candida
C. Penicillium __________
D. Aspergillus
E. Saccharomyces

07. In what kingdom are the lichens (Mycophycophyta) classified? ____________________________________________________

08. Organism that uses dead organic matter as source of energy?
A. Fungi
B. Mold
C. Saprotrophic (saprophytic) __________
D. Decomposer
E. None of the above

09. A eukaryotic, heterotrophic, saprotrophic organism?
A. Fungi
B. Mold
C. Saprotrophic (saprophytic) __________
D. Decomposer
E. None of the above

10. "Rotten food eater", organism that secretes digestive enzymes and absorbs the resulting nutrients back across the plasma membrane?
A. Fungi
B. Mold
C. Saprotrophic (saprophytic) __________
D. Decomposer
E. None of the above

11. A fungus (or protist if slime mold or water mold) that grows as a downy coating on animal or plant matter.
A. Fungi
B. Mold
C. Saprotrophic (saprophytic) __________
D. Decomposer
E. None of the above

12. Mushroom:
a. Zygomycota
b. Basidiomycota
c. Ascomycota
d. Deuteromycota
e. Mycophycophyta

13. Select the best answer(s). The figure below illustrates
a. Aspergillus sp.
b. Penicillium sp.
c. Rhizopus sp.
d. small microscopic brooms
e. a & b
f. a, b & c _________
g. a, b, c &d

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