20. Classification: Protista Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)


1. Discuss the characteristics of the kingdom Protista, and some criteria used in classifying protistans.
2. List the three major groups of protistans and their differences.
3. List the major phyla of the protistans, give some examples of each, and list some beneficial and harmful protistans, including some parasites.
4. List the way protistans differ from bacteria.
5. Define selected key terms.


01. List the three major groups of protistans and their differences:




02. Parasitic, flagellated protozoans of tropical regions known as trypanosomes are associated with which disease(s): a. malaria, b. toxoplasmosis, c. African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease, d. amoebic dysentery, e. all of the above. (Select the best answer.)


03. In what kingdom are the algae (Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta) classified?


04. What are red tides?


05. What organism may cause malaria?


06. What organism is the vector of malaria?


07. Identify (name) the life cycle of animal-like protista and give an example of a phylum in the animal-like protista:

_________________________________________ ________________________________________________

08. Identify (name) the life cycle of mold-like protista and give an example of a phylum in the mold-like protista:

_________________________________________ ________________________________________________

09. Identify (name) the life cycle of plant-like protista and give an example of a phylum in the plant-like protista:

_________________________________________ ________________________________________________

10. Give the common name of the following phyla, indicate which one of the three major groups of protista (plant-like, mold-like, or animal-like), and give an example of an organism in the phylum:

a. Sarcodina: ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________

b. Ciliophora: _____________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________

c. Chlorophyta: ____________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________

d. Phaeophyta: _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

e. Sporozoa: _______________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

11 i. Select the best answer(s). The figure below explains

a. the origin of eukaryotic cells
b. the endosymbiotic theory (hypothesis)
c. that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free-living organisms
d. how unicellular organisms (like Amoebas) eat (engulf food)
e. a & b
f. a, b & c _________
g. a, b, c &d

11 ii. Explain the figure:




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