19. Classification: Bacteria Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)

1. Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. Outline the characteristics of the kingdom Monera (or the two bacterial domains).
3. Discuss some criteria used in classifying bacteria.
4. Describe the principal types of eubacteria, give some examples of each, and list some beneficial and harmful effects, including some commercial uses of bacteria.
5. Discuss some unique features of bacterial feeding and living requirements.
6. Know the major classification groups of bacteria.
7. Define selected key terms.


List the three bacteria shapes discussed in class:

01. ____________________________ 02. ____________________________ 03. ____________________________

All living things are made of cells, name the two major cell types of these living things:

04. ____________________________________________ 05. ____________________________________________

06. Which of the following is NOT true of bacteria?
A. Some species have a mechanism for exchanging genetic information.
B. They are prokaryotes.
C. They may be photosynthetic. _________
D. They may be multicellular.
E. Some species are nitrogen fixers.

07. Which one of these disease is NOT caused by bacteria?
A. Lyme disease.
B. Cholera.
C. Tuberculosis. _________
D. Gonorrhea.

08. Bacterial cell walls are a mixture of polysaccharides and polypeptides called:
A. cellulose.
B. peptidoglycan.
C. phospholipid. _________
D. nucleic acid.
E. amino acid.

The bacteria can be divided into two domains:

09. _____________________________________________ 10. _____________________________________________

Bacteria used in yogurt:

11. _____________________________________________ 12. _____________________________________________

Bacteria normal intestinal body flora, disease causing if in the wrong place or out of balance:

13. ________________________________________________________

Give the common name for Cyanobacteria: 14. _________________________________________________________

15. Explain the figure below, and discuss why this figure does not necessarily fit today's classification of the bacteria:




General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

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