17. Animal Structures: Tissues Study Guide/Quiz

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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)


01. Understand the various levels of animal organization, and distinguish between the terms cell, tissue, organ, and organ system.
02. Know the characteristics of the various types of tissues. Know the types of cells that compose each tissue type and cite some examples of organs that contain significant amounts of each tissue type.
03. Name the organ systems in a mammalian body, and describe the skeletal system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, and the respiratory system.
04. Describe the composition and functions of blood.
05. Understand the role of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
06. Describe the digestive system.
07. Be familiar with nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
08. Give examples of psychological eating disorders and deficiency diseases.
09. Define selected key terms (see textbook).


Name the four basic tissue groups in the human body, and give an example:

01. Epithelial tissue, example: Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

02. Connective tissue example: Adipose Tissue

03. Muscular tissue example: Skeletal Muscle

04. Nervous Tissue example: Neurons

Fill in the blanks:

05. Mineral hardened connective tissue: Bone. Organs in vertebrate skeletons: Bones.

06. Number of bones in the human body: 206.

07. Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins,

Vitamins, Minerals, Water

08. Blood plasma: 55%, Formed elements, 45%. Amount of water in plasma: approximately 92%

09. Substance produced by the body (select one: antibody / antigen): antibody

Substance introduced into the body (select one: antibody / antigen): antigen

Answer the following (from the learning objectives) using your own words:

10. What is the role of hemoglobin in RBCs?

Gas exchange -- transport oxygen

11. Distinguish between the terms cell, tissue, organ, and organ system:

Different levels of biological organization, increase in number, size, and complexity. Additional properties emerging at each successive level.

12. Describe the composition of blood:

see figures / tables in textbook

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