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LECTURE OBJECTIVES (Instructional goals)

1. Recognize that two laws of thermodynamics guide the nature of energy transformations.
2. Compare the energy transformations / reactions involved in photosynthesis and cellular respiration, showing how these processes are related.
3. Distinguish between exergonic vs. endergonic reactions.
4. Explain the need for enzymes in the maintenance of living things, and describe what happens when an enzyme and substrate combine (recognize that enzymes catalyze biological reactions by lowering the energy of activation needed to break/form chemical bonds).
5. Explain the role of cofactors (e.g., vitamins) in enzyme operation.
6. Describe the effects of enzyme inhibitors and [other] environmental factors, such as temperature, pH and salt, on enzymes.
7. Describe how ATP functions as a universal energy shuttle, carrying energy in usable chunks from large storage molecules to places in cells where work needs to be done.
8. Define selected key terms


1. Define energy and give an example:


Example: _______________________________________________________________________________

Name the two major forms of energy, and give an example

2. ________________________________________________ Example: ______________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________ Example: ______________________________________________________

Describe the two laws of thermodynamics:

4. 1st law: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. 2nd law: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name the two major metabolic “energy-transforming pathways” in living organism:

6. _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________________

8. Explain what an enzyme is, give an example:


Example: _________________________________________

9. Explain what ATP is and state the full name:_____________________________________________________

Full name of ATP: _______________________________________-_____________________________________

10a. Explain the difference between “exergonic” and “endergonic” reactions:

exergonic: _______________________________________________________________________________________

endergonic: _______________________________________________________________________________________

10b. Explain the term “activation energy”:


What organisms are capable of photosynthesis?

a. plants
b. plants and algae
c. plants and some bacteria
d. plants, algae, and some bacteria
e. none of the above

12. Explain the figure below:





Web page layout and design © and intellectual property Jan A. Nilsson, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. Page created 29.XII.1997, last updated 15.VI.2004, most likely during the wee hours of the morning on a G3 PowerBook owned by Jan A. Nilsson.

-- Disclaimer: "Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice", at the time of writing located as a file under the South Texas Community College's (STCC) web server with the general URL http://stcc.cc.tx.us/, is the intellectual property of Dr. Jan A. Nilsson, member of STCC biology faculty. The content of Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice does not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the STCC faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Trustees.