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3c. Organic Chemistry Study Guide/Quiz



1. Recognize the difference between inorganic and organic molecules, and understand the importance of four valence electrons in a carbon atom.
2. List the major functional groups found in organic molecules.
3. List and describe the structure and function of the four major groups of organic molecules.
4. List the major groups of molecules within each of the four major groups of organic molecules, and give examples of each.
5. Recognize the importance of structure in organic molecules (e.g., molecular formula vs. structural formulas, importance of functional groups, importance of hydrogen bonds, primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of proteins, and helical structure of DNA)
6. Define selected key terms.

1. Explain what a “functional group” is, and give an example::

______________________________ (see textbook p. 36) _______________________

__________________________________ Example:
(see textbook p. 36)

a. Name the major macromolecules (organic b. Give an example of each:
molecules) important for the human body:

1. Carbohydrates Sugar

2. Lipids fats

3. Proteins hemoglobin

4. Nucleic Acids DNA

Name the building blocks of the major macromolecules:

6. Carbohydrates: Glucose_

7. Lipids (fats): Glycerol + 3 fatty acids

8. Lipids (phospholipids): Glycerol + 2 fatty acids + a Phosphate group

9. Proteins: Amino acids

10. Nucleic Acids: Nucleotides

a. List the four protein structures: b. Give a short description:

11. Primary structure the seque of amino acids

12. Secondary structure helix or pleated sheet configuration

13. Tertiary structure folded helix

14. Quaternary two or more polypeptide molecules linked

Name the energy molecule of the body:

15. Abbreviation: ATP Full name: ______________ (see textbook pp. 94-95) _ ______________