Review Self_Quiz -- ECOLOGY 1 (ECOSYSTEMS)
Below are some multiple choice self-quiz review questions (53) to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts. Some of these questions will appear on the exams.

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General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

1. Biotic:

a. wet
b. dry
c. living
d. dead
e. non-living

2. Abiotic:

a. wet
b. dry
c. living
d. dead
e. non-living

3. Mutualistic relation-ship between algae and fungi in a lichen.

a. parasitism
b. natural selection
c. predation
d. symbiosis
e. all of the above

4. Lichen:

a. predatory fungus
b. athletes foot
c. fungus - algae relationship
d. fungus - cyanobacteria relationship
e. c and d

5. Ecological pyramids:

a. Energy pyramid
b. Biomass pyramid
c. Number pyramid
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

6. Abiotic factors:

a. rain
b. minerals
c. physical barriers
d. volcanic eruptions
e. all of the above

7. ________ refers to an interaction between species in which positive benefits flow both ways. An example of this type of interaction is the coexistence of an algae and a fungi to produce a lichen

a. parasitism
b. commensalism
c. predation
d. symbiosis
e. mutualism

8. A system of interlocking food chains (the combination of all the feeding relationships that exist in an ecosystem).

a. food chain
b. food web
c. nutrient cycle
d. biogeochemical cycle
e. trophic level

9. A sequence of organisms that feed on one another, resulting in a flow of energy from a producer through a series of consumers (flow of energy as each one feed upon the next):

a. food chain
b. food web
c. nutrient cycle
d. biogeochemical cycle
e. trophic level

10. Cyclic flow of the elements -- from the nonliving environment to living organisms, and then back to the nonliving environment:

a. food chain
b. food web
c. nutrient cycle
d. biogeochemical cycle
e. a and b
f. c and d

11. The conversion of light energy to chemical energy (stored as glucose produced by the chemical reaction) from carbon dioxide and water:

a. flower
b. leaf
c. stem
d. photosynthesis
e. chlorophyll

12. The major organ of photosynthesis in most plants:

a. flower
b. leaf
c. stem
d. photosynthesis
e. chlorophyll

13. Products of the photosynthesis:

a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
c. Glucose
d. a and b
e. b and c

14. The oxygen produced by plants during the light-dependent reaction of the photosynthesis is derived from

a. oxygen molecules splitting
b. glucose molecule splitting
c. water molecule splitting
d. carbondioxide splitting
e. sunlight

15. Sunlight reach plants as

a. photons
b. electrons
c. carbon dioxide molecules
d. chlorophyll
e. atoms

16. Ecosystems usually have a(n) __________ producer base compared to other ecological pyramid levels.

a. microscopic
b. small
c. large
d. equal
e. ineffective

17. Ecosystems usually have a(n) __________ producer base compared to the next ecological pyramid level.

a. almost invisible
b. 10% smaller
c. 90% smaller
d. 10% larger
e. 90% larger

18. Organelle responsible for the photosynthesis

a. Thylakoid
b. Chloroplast
c. Mitochondrion
d. Nucleus
e. Chlorophyll

19. To perform the photosynthesis plants need:

a. light
b. carbon dioxide
c. water
d. oxygen
e. a, b, and c
f. a, b, c, and d

20. Organisms that photosynthesize:

a. parasitic
b. saprothrophic
c. heterotrophic
d. autotrophic
e. viruses

21. Herbivores receive from plants:

a. fuel (energy)
b. food ("glucose")
c. fiber
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

22. Animals that feed on plants only:

a. Herbivore
b. Primary consumer
c. Omnivore
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

23. Animals feeding both on plants and on other animals:

a. Herbivore
b. Omnivore
c. Primary consumer only
d. Secondary consumer only
e. Primary consumer if eating plants, secondary consumer if eating primary consumers
f. b and e

24. Process in the nitrogen cycle where nitrogen gas N2 (for most organisms unusable) from the atmosphere is converted to nitrates NO3- and ammonia NH3 (usable forms).

a. Photosynthsis
b. Protein synthesis
c. Nitrogen fixation
d. a, and b
e. a and c

25. Nitrogen atoms in nitrogen gas is bonded with a tripple bond which is hard to break and nitrogen therefore must be __________ before it can be used by plants.

a. fixed
b. decomposed
c. synthesized
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

26. Primary consumers:

a. Producers
b. Omnivore
c. Herbivore
d. Carnivore
e. b and c

27. Omnivores:

a. Fungi
b. Wolves
c. Cows
d. Humans
e. Corn

28. Each time energy passes from one trophic level to the next, ______ % of the energy is lost:

a. 2
b. 10
c. 25
d. 50
e. 90

29. Of all sunlight reaching the Earth about ______% is used by living organisms.

a. 2
b. 10
c. 25
d. 50
e. 90

30. A step in the flow of energy through an ecosystem:

a. Succession
b. Trophic level
c. Limiting factor
d. Community
e. Abiotic factor

31. A collection of interacting populations within an ecosystem.

a. Organism
b. Population
c. Community
d. Ecosystem
e. Biosphere

32. What is wrong with the organism to the right below?

Refer to this figure (below) to answer the two questions below the figure:

Tree - Insect - Spider - Frog - Fish - Human

33. The figure above represents all of the following EXCEPT

a. food chain
b. food web
c. the flow of energy through the community
d. the flow of nutrients through the community

34. The figure above is not an accurate representation of a community in that frogs could actually feed upon insects or spiders, fish could feed on either frogs or insects, and humans enjoy fish, frogs, tree products, and, in some cases, even insects. A more complete representation of these interactions would be a(n)

a. energy pyramid
b. food web
c. food chain
d. biosphere
e. biomass pyramid

35. Ecosystems must have input of energy from _________.

a. glucose
b. cellular respiration
c. populations
d. communities
e. the sun

36. First trophic level:

a. Producer
b. Herbivore
c. Primary carnivore
d. Secondary carnivore
e. Tertiary carnivore

37. Second trophic level:

a. Producer
b. Herbivore
c. Primary carnivore
d. Secondary carnivore
e. Tertiary carnivore

38. Third trophic level:

a. Producer
b. Herbivore
c. Primary carnivore
d. Secondary carnivore
e. Tertiary carnivore

39. Fourth trophic level:

a. Producer
b. Herbivore
c. Primary carnivore
d. Secondary carnivore
e. Tertiary carnivore

40. Fifth trophic level:

a. Producer
b. Herbivore
c. Primary carnivore
d. Secondary carnivore
e. Tertiary carnivore

41. In what symbiotic relationship do both species benefit

a. Commensalism
b. Amensalism
c. Mutualism
d. Parasitism
e. a and c

42. In what symbiotic relationship does one species benefit while the other species is harmed?

a. Commensalism
b. Amensalism
c. Mutualism
d. Parasitism
e. a and c

43. A major abiotic pool of carbon is found in

a. animal bones
b. the ocean bottom
c. lakes and streams
d. plants
e. the atmosphere

44. Photosynthesis ______ carbon dioxide.

a. produces
b. uses

45. Respiration ______ carbon dioxide.

a. produces
b. uses

46. About _______ % of the energy at a particular trophic level remains available at each succeeding trophic level

a. 1
b. 2
c. 10
d. 50
e. 90

47. Producers are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

48. Consumers are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

49. Herbivores are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

50. First trophic level organisms are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

51. Second trophic level organisms are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

52. Third trophic level organisms are ________ organisms.

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic

53. A trophic level is a(n) ________ level in an ecosystem.

a. cycling
b. symbiotic
c. feeding
d. autotrophic
e. heterotrophic

General Biology Hub General Biology Lecture Objectives Page

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