Review Self_Quiz -- CLASSIFICATION: Biodiversity:
Below are some multiple choice self-quiz review questions to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts. Some of these questions will appear on the exams.

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-- UNDER CONSTRUCTION -- (Questions are from Animalia: vertebrata)

1. Which of these are characteristics of animals?

a. Multicellular with specialized tissue and organs
b. Heterotrophic
c. Protect the developing embryo from dessication
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

2. Animals invaded land

a. 1 billion years ago
b. more than 500 million years ago
c. more than 400 million years ago
d. more than 300 million years ago
e. yesterday

3. Problems which animals needed to overcome when invading land from the oceans.

a. Supporting locomotion
b. Transporting water
c. Surviving slow environmental changes
d. a, and b
e. a, b, and c

4. When animals invaded land, some solved reproductive problems by

a. not reproducing
b. reproducing in water
c. "waterproof membranes" (e.g., amniotic sac)
d. internal reproduction
e. b, c, and d

5. Fishes in the class Agnatha (jawless fishes) do not have

a. a brain
b. vertebrae
c. a mouth
d. jaws
e. eyes

6. Subphylum vertebrata have

a. a vertebral column
b. an endoskeleton
c. most have paired appendages
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

7. Animals with hair, are homeothermic, and produce milk for their young:

a. mammals
b. birds
c. reptiles
d. amphibians
e. bony fishes

8. Animal with a constant internal body temperature?

a. Mammalia
b. Reptilia
c. Homeothermic
d. a and c
e. a, b, and c

9. Fish with a bony skeleton:

a. Agnatha
b. Chondrichthyes
c. Osteichthyes
d. Amphibia
e. Reptilia

10. Fish with cartilaginous skeleton:

a. Agnatha
b. Chondrichthyes
c. Osteichthyes
d. Amphibia
e. Reptilia

11. Fish without jaws:

a. Agnatha
b. Chondrichthyes
c. Osteichthyes
d. Amphibia
e. Reptilia

12. Mammals with a placenta:

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

13. Mammals with a cloaca, duckbill, and laying eggs

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

14. Mammals with a pouch:

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

15. Kangaroo, Koala, Opossum:

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

16. Dog, Cat, Human

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

17. Platypus, Spiny anteater of Australia:

a. Monotremes
b. Marsupials
c. Placental mammal
d. Dinosaurs
e. None of the above

18. Salamanders, toads, and froga:

a. Fish
b. Amphibians
c. Reptiles
d. Birds
e. Mammals

19. Bats, Whales, Seals:

a. Fish
b. Amphibia
c. Reptilia
d. Aves
e. Mammalia

20. Snakes, Turtles, Lizards

a. Fish
b. Amphibia
c. Reptilia
d. Aves
e. Mammalia

21. New taxonomic (cladistic) research shows that if turtles are reptiles, then _________ are also reptiles.

a. mammals
b. birds
c. fishes
d. a and b
e. a, b and c

22. The same taxonomic (cladistic) research (as in question 21 above) shows that if turtles and mammals are NOT considered reptiles, then _________ are, however, still considered reptiles.

a. mammals
b. birds
c. fishes
d. flatworms
e. b and c

23. Choose the most advanced animal (Animalia) group:

a. Placental mammals
b. Marsupials
c. Monotremes
d. Segmented worms
e. None of the above

24. The term used for "cold blooded" animals is:

a. homeothermic
b. poikilothermic
c. cartilagous
d. placental
e. vascular

25. The term used for "warm blooded" animals is:

a. homeothermic
b. poikilothermic
c. cartilagous
d. placental
e. vascular

26. Choose the most primitive animal (Animalia) group:

a. Insecta
b. Tape worms
c. Jelly fishes
d. Sponges
e. Amoebas

27. Choose the most primitive animal (Animalia) group:

A. Round worms
B. Scorpions
C. Earth worms
D. Sea urchins
E. Toads

28. Choose the most primitive animal (Animalia) group:

A. Chondrichtyes
B. Agnatha
C. Mammalia
D. Amphibia
E. Aves

29. Sea anemones are classified in the phylum

a. Echinodermata
b. Cnidaria
c. Annelida
d. Nematoda
e. Platyhelminthes

30. Scorpions are classified in the phylum

a. Echinodermata
b. Porifera
c. Arthropoda
d. Mollusca
e. Chordata

General Biology Hub General Biology Lecture Objectives Page

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