Review Self_Quiz -- CLASSIFICATION: Taxonomy:
Below are some multiple choice self-quiz review questions to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts. Some of these questions will appear on the exams.

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1. Science that identify and classify (naming and grouping) organisms into logical categories.

a. taxonomy
b. taxonomist
c. systematics
d. phylogeny
e. classification

2. A biologist that identifies and classifies organisms.

a. taxonomy
b. taxonomist
c. systematics
d. phylogeny
e. classification

3. Evolutionary history of a group of organisms.

a. taxonomy
b. taxonomist
c. systematics
d. phylogeny
e. classification

4. Why is latin used for scientific species names?

a. Latin is the most commonly spoken language on Earth
b. When taxonomy originated, Latin was a universally used language among educated people
c. Latin is a universally understood language
d. Latin is the only language that fits the taxonomic rules.
e. None of the above.

5. Father of taxonomy:

a. Charles Darwin
b. Carl von Linné
c. Carolus Linnaeus
d. Aristotle
e. b and c

6. The person who "invented" the binomial system for naming organisms:

a. Charles Darwin
b. Carl von Linné
c. Carolus Linnaeus
d. Aristotle
e. b and c

7. Scientific name of Man:

a. Homo sapiens
b. Homo Sapiens
c. Homo sapien
d. Homo sapiens
e. Homo sapien

8. An arrangement in which larger groups include smaller groups, which include still smaller groups.

a. dichotomous key
b. classification
c. nomenclature
d. hierarchy
e. taxa

9. Which of the following lists of taxa is listed in correct order?

a. species, genus, order, family, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
b. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
c. species, genus, family, order, phylum, class, kingdom, domain
d. genus, species, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
e. species, genus, class, family, order, phylum, kingdom, domain

10. Which taxa is the most inclusive (contain the most species)?

a. Kingdom
b. Order
c. Family
d. Phylum
e. Class

11. Which taxa is the least inclusive?

a. Kingdom
b. Order
c. Family
d. Phylum
e. Class

12. The [term used to designate the] logical categories used in naming and classifying organisms in the classification hierarcchy:

a. species
b. nomenclature
c. scientific name
d. hierarchy
e. taxa

13. Two part name that consists of the genus name and the specific epithet:

a. binomial name
b. genus name
c. scientific species name
d. all of the abovce (a, b, and c)
e. a and c

14. Structures that perform the same function in different animal species and was derived from the same ancestral structures:

a. Analogous structures
b. Homologous structures
c. Virus
d. Eukaryotic cells
e. Prokaryotic cells

15. An organisms described and given a scientific name, such as the scientific name of Man, contains the ___________ names.

a. genus and specific epithet
b. order and specific epithet
c. kingdom and phylum name
d. phylum and class name
e. kingdom and species name

16. Classify the organisms you see to the right by placing them in the correct KINGDOM.

a. ?
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. The organisms cannot be classified because they are alien.

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