Below are 24 multiple choice self-quiz review questions to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts.

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1. Which of the following represents the correct hierarchy of organization in the human body?

a. cells, tissues, organ systems, organs
b. cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
c. tissues, cells, organs, organ systems
d. tissues, organs, cells, organ systems
e. cells, organs, organ systems, tissues

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Tissues are composed of cells with similar structures but different functions.
b. There are four major types of tissues found in animals.
c. Tissues exhibit division of labor.
d. Tissues are organized to form organs.
e. All of the statements are true.

3. The tissue that lines hollow organs is

a. epithelial
b. loose connective
c. supportive connective
d. cartilage
e. adipose

4. Which type of epithelial cell is modified for filtration and diffusion

a. cuboidal
b. simple squamous
c. simple columnar
d. stratified squamous
e. stratified columnar

5. Exocrine glands secrete

a. enzymes
b. sweat
c. milk
d. mucus
e. lethal glandular secretions
f. all of the above
g. a, b, c, d, but not e

6. Which of the following statements about characteristics of epithelium is/are true?

a. Epithelia have a free surface exposed to a body fluid or to the environment
b. Between the epithelium and the connective tissue on which it rests is a basement membrane
c. All cells in epithelium are close together with little intervening material.
d. a and b are true statements
e. a, b, and c are true statements

7. Which of the following is NOT included in connective tissues?

a. bone
b. cartilage
c. skeletal muscle
d. adipose tissue
e. blood

8. If you microscopically examined a slide and observed a single layer of closely packed cells with microvilli on the free or open side and a basement membrane underlying the sheet of cells, you would expect this to be a slide of

a. bone
b. adipose tissue
c. epithelial tissue
d. muscle tissue
e. cartilage

9. What type of tissue is blood?

a. epithelial
b. connective tissue
c. muscle tissue
d. nervous tissue
e. noncellular fluid

10. Connective tissues include all but which of the following

a. cartilage
b. blood
c. bone
d. glands
e. adipose tissue

11. Cartilage is found

a. in the nose
b. in the embryonic skeleton
c. in the external ear
d. between vertebrae
e. all of the above

12. Adipose tissue cells are filled with

a. minerals
b. fat
c. cartilage
d. fibers
e. muscles

13. If its cells are striated and fused at the ends by intercalated disks so that the cells are not acting independently, the tissue is

a. smooth muscle
b. skeletal muscle
c. cardiac muscle
d. dense fibrous connective tissue
e. adipose tissue

14. Rapid communication throughout the body is accomplished by

a. neurons
b. blood
c. hormones
d. muscles
e. connective tissue

15. Muscle that is NOT striated and is involuntary is

a. cardiac muscle tissue
b. skeletal muscle tissue
c. striated muscle tissue
d. smooth muscle tissue
e. a and b

16. Cardiac muscle cells are

a. involuntary
b. voluntary
c. striated muscle
d. nonstriated
e. a and c
f. b and d

17. Smooth muscles are

a. striated and voluntary
b. isolated, spindle-shaped cells
c. found in the walls of hollow structures such as blood vessels and the stomach
d. nonstriated and involuntary
e. all except a

18. The epithelium best adapted for body surface subject to abrasion is

a. simple squamous
b. simple cuboidal
c. simple columnar
d. stratified columnar
e. stratified squamous

19. Which type of muscle is responsible for peristalsis along the digestive tract?

a. cardiac
b. smooth
c. voluntary
d. striated
e. skeletal

20. Which of the following tissues lines kidney ducts?

a. connective tissue
b. smooth muscle tissue
c. nervous tissue
d. epithelial tissue
e. adipose tissue

21. Identify the epithelial tissue.

a. ?
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. the epithelial tissue is not illustrated

22. Identify the connective tissue.

a. ?
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. the connective tissue is not illustrated

23. Identify the muscle tissue.

a. ?
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. the muscle tissue is not illustrated

24. Identify the nervous tissue.

a. ?
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. the nervous tissue is not illustrated

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