Review Self_Quiz -- EVOLUTION 1
Below are some multiple choice self-quiz review questions to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts. Some of these questions will appear on the exams.

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1. The generally accepted view that present-day energy organelles are descended from prokaryotes that once lived inside the other.

a. Divergent evolution
b. Convergent evolution
c. Extinction
d. Endosymbiotic theory
e. Microevolution

2. Change in allele frequency in a population of organisms (evolutionary change within a lineage)

a. Chemical evolution
b. Biological evolution
c. Cultural evolution
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

3. Person that perhaps was the first expressing ideas about evolution?

A. Anaximander
B. Wallace
C. Darwin
D. Mendel
E. Linné

4. Which of the following is NOT a component of Darwin's principle of natural selection?

A. New alleles are constantly produced through mutation
B. Populations exhibit great variation
C. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive
D. Over time adaptive phenotypes increase in a population.
E. Over a long period of time, organisms will change and given enough time new species will evolve

5. Which of the following evolve?

A. populations
B. genera
C. kingdoms
D. a and b
E. a, b, and c

6. The fossil record is incomplete because

A. very few organisms were preserved as fossils
B. organisms tend to decay before becoming a fossil
C. animals with hard parts are preserved more easily
D. geologic processes may destroy fossils
E. all of the above

7. The single, large, ancient landmass that contained all of the continents was called

A. Laurasia
B. Pangaea
C. Gondwana
D. Atlantis
E. Emerald city

8. Plate tectonic theory is based on

A. a thermal convection model, in which cool material in the earth's
mantle rises and spreads laterally beneath the crustal plates
B. the idea that the earth's crust is fragmented into rigid crusts
that are sinking slowly beneath crustal plates
C. the idea that coacervate formation causes continents to drift
apart slowly on their crustal plates
D. observations that the sea floor is slowly spreading away from
oceanic ridges due to thermal convection in the mantle
E. all of the above

9. The bones in the forelimbs of a mammal

A. can often be traced to a common ancestor
B. offer no evidence to support the theory of evolution
C. perform the same function no matter what species they are in
D. show convergence with some bacteria
E. show convergence with some invertebrates

10. Structures that perform the same function in different animal species and was derived from the same ancestral structures

A. Chromosomes
B. Organs
C. Fossils
D. Homologous structures
E. Analogous structures

11. Structures that perform the same function in different animal species but was derived from different ancestral structures

A. Chromosomes
B. Organs
C. Fossils
D. Homologous structures
E. Analogous structures

12. Any past evidence of an organism (remains or imprint of past life) that has been preserved in the earth's crust

A. Chromosomes
B. Organs
C. Fossils
D. Homologous structures
E. Analogous structures

13. Line of evolutionary descent from a common ancestor

A. autotroph
B. heterotroph
C. microsphere
D. chemical evolution
E. lineage

14. The multiplication of a single species into many species, each with a separate ecological niche. (Formation of a large number of species from a common ancestor.)

A. evolution
B. natural selection
C. dispersal
D. population explosion
E. adaptive radiation

15. Chemical, biological, and cultural change over time.

A. evolution
B. natural selection
C. dispersal
D. population explosion
E. adaptive radiation

16. A microevolutionary mechanism that encourages the passage of beneficial genes to future generations, and discourages harmful or less valuable genes.

A. evolution
B. natural selection
C. dispersal
D. population explosion
E. adaptive radiation

17. The ability of an organism to live (survive and reproduce) in its environment:

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

18. Descent with modification -- change within a line of descent over time:

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

19. Descent with modification -- change in allele frequency in a population of organisms:

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

20. A microevolutionary mechanism:

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

21. A genetically inherited structure or behavior, acquired through the process of natural selection, that contributes to the ability of an organism to live in a particular environment.

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

22. A characteristic of an organism gained during its lifetime, not determined genetically, and therefore not transmitted to the offspring.

A. biological evolution
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. adaptive radiation

23. The formation of a new species.

A. gene flow
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. speciation

24. Physical movement of alleles out of a population, or sharing of genes between two populations through interbreeding:

A. gene flow
B. natural selection
C. acquired characteristics
D. adaptation
E. speciation

25. Evidence of evolution

A. natural selection
B. mutation
C. fossil
D. a and b
E. b and c

26. Evidence of evolution

A. comparative anatomy
B. comparative embryology
C. comparative biochemistry
D. all of the above
E. b and c

27. Mechanism of evolution

A. natural selection
B. mutation
C. fossil
D. a and b
E. b and c

28. Mechanism of evolution

A. gene flow
B. genetic drift
C. molecular clock
D. a and b
E. b and c

29. Study of the behavior of the earth's crust in terms of moving plates that are responsibloe for continental drift:

A. plate tectonics
B. divergent evolution
C. continental drift
D. geographic isolation
E. geography

30. Movement of the continents with respect to one another over the earth's surface:

A. plate tectonics
B. divergent evolution
C. continental drift
D. geographic isolation
E. geography

31. When part of the gene pool is separated by geographic barriers from the rest of the population:

A. plate tectonics
B. divergent evolution
C. continental drift
D. geographic isolation
E. geography

32. Steps in the speciation process:

A. geographic isolation > natural selection > genetic difference
B. genetic difference > natural selection > geographic isolation
C. natural selection > genetic difference > geographic isolation
D. geographic isolation > genetic difference > natural selection
E. genetic difference > geographic isolation > natural selection

33. The independent evolution of similar features in separate groups of organisms:

A. convergent evolution
B. divergent evolution
C. gene flow
D. macroevolution
E. microevolution

34. Small scale changes in allele frequencies in a population:

A. convergent evolution
B. divergent evolution
C. gene flow
D. macroevolution
E. microevolution

35. The separation of one species of organisms into two (or more) species:

A. convergent evolution
B. divergent evolution
C. gene flow
D. macroevolution
E. both b and d

36. Speciation (the evolutionary process by which species originate):

A. convergent evolution
B. cultural evolution
C. gene flow
D. macroevolution
E. microevolution

37. The process by which species and higher taxa of organisms change or go extinct:

A. convergent evolution
B. divergent evolution
C. gene flow
D. macroevolution
E. microevolution

38. Gene flow:

A. natural selection
B. founders of a population
C. immigration
D. bottleneck effect
E. All of the above

39. Heritable changes in DNA:

A. mutations
B. natural selection
C. gene flow
D. genetic drift
E. All of the above

40. Microevolutionary mechanism that encourages the passage of beneficial genes to future generations:

A. mutations
B. natural selection
C. gene flow
D. genetic drift
E. All of the above

41. A group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area:

A. population
B. community
C. swimming pool
D. duck pond
E. gene pool

42. The Galápagos Islands are off the western coast of:

A. Africa
B. Australia
C. Europe
D. North America
E. Souith America

43. The Galápagos islands are a part of what country?

A. England
B. Ecuador
C. El Salvador
D. Ethiopia
E. Equatorial Guinea

44. Select the statement that is NOT a tenet of Darwin's theory of natural selection:

A. Members of a population have heritable variations.
B. Members of a population will compete.
C. Some population members have adaptive characteristics
D. Populations tend to reproduce in small numbers
E. All are tenets of Darwin's theory of natural selection

45. Darwin reasoned that, if the world is very old, then

A. geological changes occur in a relatively short period of time.
B. there was time for evolution to occur.
C. evolution could not have occurred.
D. taxonomy will have to give up the binomial system of nomenclature.
E. humans can learn to fly.

46. Biochemical DNA evidence supporting evolution would show that

A. there are more nitrogen base differences between YEAST and HUMANS than between HORSES and HUMANS.
B. there are more nitrogen base difference between APES and HUMANS than between HORSES and HUMANS.
C. there are more nitrogen base difference between the CHIMPANZEE and HUMANS than between CHIMPANZEE and the GORILLA.
D. Both a and c are correct.
E. None of the above is correct.

47. Change in the complexity of chemicals that eventually led to the first cell.

A. Chemical evolution
B. Biological evolution
C. Cultural evolution
D. a and b
E. a, b, and c

48. Change in behavior of populations by learning behavior acquired by members of previous generations.

A. Chemical evolution
B. Biological evolution
C. Cultural evolution
D. a and b
E. a, b, and c

49. Sexually reproducing individuals of the same species __________.

A. cannot interbreed under natural conditiopns
B. cannot produce fertile offspring
C. do not have a shared genetic history
D. a, b, and c
E. None of the above

50. Reproductive isolating mechanisms

A. prevent interbreeding
B. prevent gene flow
C. reinforce genetic divergence
D. a, b, and c
E. None of the above

51. The generally accepted view that present-day energy organelles are descended from prokaryotes that once lived inside the other.

A. Divergent evolution
B. Convergent evolution
C. Extinction
D. Endosymbiotic theory
E. Microevolution

52. Which list of names (A, B, C, D, or E) correctly matches the name with the correct date:

1660's - 1760's - 1860's - 1950's - 1980's

A. Spallanzani - Redi - Miller - Pasteur - Marguli
B. Pasteur - Marguli - Redi - Watson - Crick
C. Watson - Crick - Franklin - Wilkins - Marguli
D. Redi - Spallanzani - Pasteur - Marguli - Miller
E. Redi - Spallanzani - Pasteur - Miller - Marguli

53. Change in the complexity of chemicals that eventually led to the first cell.

A. Chemical evolution
B. Biological evolution
C. Cultural evolution
D. a and b
E. a, b, and c

54. Which of these did Stanley Miller place in his experimental system to show that organic molecules could have arisen from inorganic molecules on the primitive earth?

a. microspheres
b. purines and pyrimidines
c. amino acids
d. the primitive gases
e. all of the above is correct

55. The organisms with the longest evolutionary history are

a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
c. photosynthesizers
d. mosses
e. worms

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