Below are some multiple choice self-quiz review questions to reinforce chapter terms and important concepts. Some of these questions may appear on the exams.

General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

1. Which one of the following can show characteristics common of living things?

a. A mountain
b. A rock
c. A helium filled balloon
d. A butterfly
e. An acid

2. __________ is the study of life.

a. Science
b. Biology
c. Chemistry
d. Physics
e. Math

3. Which is/are (a) characteristic/s of living organsisms?

a. growth
b. metabolism
c. reproduction
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

4. In which kingdom would you place a multicellular land organism that carries on photosynthesis?

a. Monera
b. Protists
c. Fungi
d. Plantae
e. Animalia

5. Bacteria?

a. Monera
b. Protists
c. Fungi
d. Plantae
e. Animalia

6. Each is a general characteristic of life EXCEPT

a. the ability to respond
b. reproduction and growth (development)
c. organization
d. nutrient uptake
e. classification

7. Each is a general characteristic of life EXCEPT

a. Metabolic processes
b. Generative processes
c. Responsive processes
d. Control processes
e. All of the above are general characteristics of life

8. Select the correct order of biological organization:

a. subatomic particle, atom, molecule, organell, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, community, population, ecosystem, landscape, biosphere
b. subatomic particle, molecule, atom, organell, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, landscape, biosphere
c. subatomic particle, atom, molecule, organell, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, landscape, biosphere
d. subatomic particle, atom, molecule, organell, cell, organ, tissue, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, landscape, biosphere
e. subatomic particle, atom, molecule, organell, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, ecosystem, population, community, landscape, biosphere

9. The smallest level of organization, where the characteristics of life emerge, is the _______ level.

a. atomic
b. molecular
c. cellular
d. organisms
e. population

10. Portion of Earth inhabited by life, the overall ecosystem of earth

a. Biosphere
b. Community
c. Population
d. Ocean floor
e. None of the above

11. An interacting collection of organisms (the biotic factors, the ecological community) and the abiotic factors that affect them.

a. Biosphere
b. Community
c. Population
d. Ecosystem
e. Organ system

12. The broadest classification category of everything living on this planet.

a. Species
b. Genus
c. Class
d. Phylum
e. Kingdom

13. Biological organization based on a hierarchy of structural levels, each level building on the levels below, from subatomic particles to the biosphere.

a. Hierarchical levels of biological organization
b. Scientific method
c. Ecosystem
d. a and b
e. b and c

14. A group of organisms of the same species located in the same place at the same time

a. Biosphere
b. Community
c. Population
d. Ecosystem
e. Organ system

15. Metabolic processes:

a. Nutrient uptake
b. Nutrient processing
c. Waste elimination
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

16. Science (a branch of biology) that identify and classify (naming and grouping) organisms into logical categories.

a. Physics
b. Biology
c. Non-science
d. Ecology
e. Taxonomy

17. Anything that affects an organism during its lifetime.

a. Control
b. Energy
c. Ecosystem
d. Population
e. Environment

General Biology Hub Lecture Learning Tools

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