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This page is used by both Envir. Biology and Gen. Biology I and II.


Town Hall Meeting Session 1 & 2
Evolution Reading Assignments
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General Class Discussions, Session 1
Mistreatment of Animals Reading Assignments

General Class Discussions, Session 1
Climate Change Reading Assignments
Bu_CDEmergD_Bla300_bgretxt Bu_CDGlobW_Bla300_bgretxt Bu_CDTropR_Bla300_bgretxt

General Class Discussions, Session 1
Human Population Reading Assignments
Bu_CDAstroB_Bla300_bgretxt Bu_CDHumPop_Bla300_bgretxt Bu_CDSpace_Bla300_bgretxt

General Class Discussions, Session 2
Genetic Engineering Reading Assignments


The links above are to the reading assignments for the General Class Discussions and the Town Hall Meeting. To find the discussion bulletin boards where you post your messages you must log in to Blackboard. This page is used by both Environmental Biology --and-- General Biology I --and-- General Biology II -- Face-to-Face Web-enhanced --or-- Hybrid --or-- Online. See the Grading Critera for assignmments and details pertaining to your class.

Scroll down!

Class Discussion Philosophy Statement
This page is a very important page because it explains what these Blackboard class discussions are about. A few things mentioned have been repeated on other pages, but reading this to understand why we are doing this, what your grade will be based on, and what it will NOT be based on is very important. However, this page does NOT discuss grading specifics (points and such), for that you must read the Grading Criteria for your class.

Read this page with care! It may take some time. Have a cup of coffee while you read it...

To assure that students read THIS page and understand the philosophy behind the discussions there will be a "Class Discussion Key Quiz" with questions about this page that must be submitted before students can participate in the General Class Discussion and also later in the Town Hall Meeting.

The General Class Discussion is done in the Regular Blackboard Course Shell and the Town Hall Meeting is done in a special course shell created by the Blackboard people for participation by ALL STUDENTS IN ALL CLASSES TAUGHT BY DR. NILSSON. Start and due dates are posted in the Semester Calendar. The last chance to submit the quiz is noted in the semester calendar.

The Class Discussion Key Quiz must be passed with a minimum 100. Students who do not pass the Class Discussion Key Quiz will not be able to participate in the discussion to earn grade points. The Class Discussion Key Quiz is located in the Regular course shell.

In order to participate in the Town Hall Meeting (starting later in the semester), you must submit a "Town Hall Key Quiz" (sometimes also called the Evolution Worksheet Quiz) with a minimum 100. If you don't pass the quiz with 100 you will not be able to participate (you will not be able to see the bulletin boards in the Town Hall).

See the Semester Calendar and the Grading Criteria for your class for further details about due dates and grading.)

These discussion assignments takes place over a period of time, where we will debate various topics by posting messages on bulletin boards on Blackboard.

The purpose of the General Class Discussion, the Town Hall Meeting, and associated "Internet Activity" reading assignments and quizzes, are to inspire students to think and provoke to discussion (intellectual debate) and "eye opening".

The figures above are (1) from the Blackboard "Dinosaur" bulletin board discussion during the Town Hall Meeting, (2) the top of this page, (3) the top of the Global Warming reading assignment, and (4) the entry page for the Evolution Worksheet Quiz on Blackboard. The figures are from a previous semester using another Blackboard platform, but are still looking similar to what we use this semester.

You are NOT graded on WHAT opinion you have; you are graded on whether you PARTICIPATE and STATE an opinion (or not).

However, while anyone has the right to express an uneducated opinion, it is the purpose of the reading assignments to help students state EDUCATED opinions. That is why we have "reading assignments" about the topics.

Students come to college to better their education and learn about the REAL world. In an increasingly global society it is important to be a well-educated, THINKING citizen -- with an OPEN MIND for new knowledge, and opinions based on understanding the REAL world. For the "eye opening" method to work regular participation throughout the discussion period is required. Even though this is not the Grading Criteria -- students who have not participated as per the MINIMUM requirements listed in the Grading Criteria by the midsession point -- will be loose grade points. Every semester many students are doing an outstanding job, and to be fair to these students, grades in these discussion assignments are EARNED by being an active participant throughout most of the discussion period.

Unfortunately, for many students the classroom has become a NON-THINKING place with standardized "fill-in-the-blanks-questions", "bubble-in-multiple-guessing-questions" or cookbook, "brains off", "fill-in-hands-on-activities" without much concern about real learning, or THINKING about learning, or discussing things on a higher cognitive level. While these activities may sometimes at first look good, many play a part in the problems we have with low quality education.

One reason for the planets environmental problems are wide-spread ignorance about how the natural world, the REAL world works. A large mass of ignorant and poorly educated people on this planet BELIEVE things rather that KNOW things, or base their opinions and thinking on misinformation. The word "education" means to "lead forth" and implies leading forth away from "imprisonment in ignorance". If people were better educated about how the REAL world works -- which require better knowledge of science -- we would have much less problems in the world.

Based on observations from previous semesters, opinions based on lack of science education will be part of these discussions. But you are here to learn, and these discussions are LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. At the end of the semester, after you have read the textbook, viewed videos and read assignments, and participated in eye opening discussions, hopefully, there will be less BELIEFS and more KNOWLEDGE about the planet we live on.

Blackboard Bulletin Board Discussions

Global Warming?

These class discussions are exchange of ideas, while at the same time training independent critical and reflective thinking. When there are different opinions a debate can go in many different directions. No matter what direction a discussion takes it is important to understand that someone may tell you that they don't agree with your opinion. You may even be told that you are wrong -- even if you are not. When this happens it is important to NOT take offense.

xRemember that you have already acknowledged in the Student Contract that you must participate in online class discussions (where students and the instructor may state opinions that you not necessarily agree with).

x Sometimes participants in discussions cannot take criticism well and demand that their opinion be "respected" by not being discussed in the first place. Some, even college students, think that we shouldn't have discussions like some of the discussions we are about to have. They don't want their opinions changed, opinions they often have had since childhood, or developed because they didn't learn anything in a school system that failed them. They feel their opinion, uneducated or not, should just be respected and not even discussed! Hmmm! If so, why bother to get an education? Why go to college? Why not just flip a lifetime of hamburgers earning minimum wage at MacDonalds?

(The flipping cartoon to the right is from: http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/collections/1990/images/df1990-145.gif. Used for educational purposes.)



We should treat PERSONS with respect (if they deserve our respect), but we don't have to respect an IDEA based on ignorance (=lack of education).

In this country we have a right to express opinions, and criticize the opinion of others. What good are opinions if we don't express them? Some students in these situations often use the term "respect" -- usually because the opposing view has offended them somehow -- without knowing what the term really means WHEN APPLIED TO AN IDEA.

Respect (when discussion an idea) means "deferential regard", which means "a submission or courteous yielding to, and admiration for, the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another". While the term respects can be used when two persons are debating topics with several different possible answers, e.g., two politicians debating who is the best candidate. However, it is a GIVEN that no one can be expected to have an admiration for or yield to an opinion they feel is wrong and uneducated.

It is, however, important to remember that it doesn't matter who is correct -- in this country both have a right to their opinion and both have a right to express it. Instead of stating that we must show respect for other peoples opinion, we should be polite and civilized when we criticize the opinion of others. But respect for an uneducated idea is not necessary -- it is actually wrong to use that term for this purpose (for an idea) if you know and understand what the term means.

Stand up for your opinion, instead of trying to kill the discussion by demanding "respect" from other participants.



Keep an open mind for new knowledge. If you are not, then you are wasting your time taking college classes!

To become educated it is very important to have an open mind, and to be able to participate in discussions, without becoming offended. We live in a democracy, with Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech. Get mad, slap back, defend your standpoint while listening to other people's opinions, but don't get offended -- and don't think you offend people with an opinionated, but civilized, response.

Sure, as stated several times on my web pages, you may want to maintain a HEALTHY skepticism for all points discussed in college. However, you must show consideration and respect for the knowledge and long training of instructors, and ponder other students' opinions, even though you may disagree with some of the things said in class. Remember that you are here to learn and that new advances in scientific understanding are often made when new ideas are expressed that go against traditional viewpoints (including religious viewpoints).

If you are not here to learn, you are here for the wrong reason, and you should probably rethink what you are doing...

Research the topic before you claim to know something about it -- by clicking on some of the links on the reading assignment page or do your own Google search. Mark Twain's once said: "It is best to keep your mouth shut and be presumed ignorant than to open it and remove all doubt." Students should come to college with an open mind for new knowledge. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." (Mark twain again.) It is normal to be ignorant if you don't have had a good educational background, as long as you realize that when you enroll for college classes you are in need of an education and are here to learn.

You are not here to prove that you are smart -- you are here to learn.

Posting Specifics


x There are two kinds of "discussions". First we will have a General Class Discussion and later the Town Hall Meeting -- an intellectual debate about EVOLUTION -- the "red connecting thread" of modern biology -- and closely related topics affected by the concept of evolution. The concept is so important to the understanding of BIOLOGY and the hope is that the opinions and statements of other students will lessen the negative effect this discussion (usually and unfortunately) has on religious students.

The discussions take place on Blackboard bulletin boards (BBs). After reading web pages and articles you will, at a time convenient for you within the discussion period, discuss the subject by posting messages on the specific bulletin board for the topic. The deadlines for the BB postings are in the Semester Calendar for your class.

You post messages on the bulletin board, and depending on bulletin board sometimes by replying to previous messages in the discussion thread (click the REPLY button), sometimes by posting a new message (click the CREATE MESSAGE button). You may post as many messages as you wish in each bulletin board -- whether you CREATE or REPLY doesn't matter, and you do not have to post every day, but for full class discussion credit you must fulfill certain minimum criteria. (See the Grading Criteria for the class.) For the "eye opening" method mentioned above to work, regular participation throughout the semester is REQUIRED.

Before you can participate you must answer the short Class Discussion Key Quiz -- based on the instructions posted on this page. The key quiz is to make sure students read certain reading assignments and the discussion philosophy (this page) and are not worth any grade points -- because it is so easy a sponge can answer the questions. Until you score a minimum 100 on the quiz, you will not be able to participate.

Before you can participate in the Town Hall Meeting you must answer the Town Hall Meeting Key Quiz (sometimes also called the Evolution Worksheet Quiz) -- based on the Evolution reading assignments. Until you score 100 on that worksheet quiz, you will also not be able to access the Blackboard page where the Town Hall bulletin boards are located.

You must check your spelling with a word processor spell checker before you submit your comments. If your comment is full of spelling mistakes you may NOT receive any points. We all make spelling errors. These days it is easy to check the spelling by using a computer spell checker -- use it. If you post messages with misspellings a spell checker will find in less than a second -- you may NOT receive any points for your message (depends on which discussion you do the mistakes -- the instructor check some bulletin boards for incorrect spellings more thoroughly). In some bulletin boards MESSAGES WITH SPELLING ERRORS may be removed -- this is the instructor's message to the students that they need to change their attitude about spelling (or the posting rules).


Also, if your message say nothing, you may not receive any points. Don't post "empty blabber" just to get points -- if discovered you will not get any points.

The instructor does NOT participate in the General Class Discussion, but will always "listen in". Sometimes the instructor will participate by addressing some student postings on the Class Communication page. If so a student posting may for educational benefits of all students in class be posted on the Class Communication page -- without the student name.

The instructor ALWAYS participates in the Town Hall Meeting!!!

As already mentioned above, you are not graded on your opinion. It is, of course, best if your opinions are based on educated facts about the real world, but this is a democracy, a free country where everyone has a right to an opinion, even if it is wrong, and everyone has a right to state that opinion.

Discussion ethics is discussed further down the page (and elsewhere), but five unacceptable "posting behaviors" are mentioned here.

You should NOT:

(1) APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR OPINION. Sometimes students apologize for their opinion and posting. This behavior may cause an undesired atmosphere for the discussion. We live in a free country, with freedom of speech. YOU SHOULD NOT APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR OPINION -- at least not if it is an honest one. If you post a statement or an "opinion" and apologize for it, it may be assumed to not be an honest opinion, but rather an attempt to dishonestly improve your grade by "kissing up" to the instructor (see number 2 below), or that you have not read the reading assignment for the discussion and therefore don't really know what to say (see number 3 below).

In a functioning democracy we do not have to apologize for our opinions -- a civilized opinion -- so don't do that in these discussions. x

(2) KISS UP TO THE INSTRUCTOR. Every semester some students post statements that appear, suspiciously or clearly, not to be their honest opinion (especially in connection with an apology as mentioned above). Some students even post messages clearly indicating that they don't plan to take these discussions seriously (see the example below). If you do this, and it is clearly a "kiss up" attempt to try to get a better grade, you may be removed from the discussion and/or lose points -- some students do it to play "devil's advocate" and that is a different story and an acceptable way, and sometimes clever way, of debating issues.

A posting must be honest, otherwise you are "giving the finger" to the philosophy and idea of these discussions (and to the instructor since he came up with the idea). A statement such as the example below may be harmful to the discussion atmosphere (and could be considered cheating) and may cause you to immediately be excluded from further participation. As with chat room discussions, bulletin board discussions like these class discussions have a moderator -- your instructor. A moderator may remove inappropriate messages, and/or exclude misbehaving persons. x


"I will belive anything that helps me pass this class. What do you think?" [Grammar and spelling as by the student.]

When this students was asked about the statement and told to read the grading criteria for the class discussions she replied with this statement:

"The only reason that I put their 'I will belive anything that helps me pass this class' is because I thought I was giving your way of showing do it this way and you will earn your grade." [Grammar and spelling as by the student.]


Hmmm!? Sounds like a sophisticated way of cheating -- and like all cheating a DUMB idea (and extremely STUPID attitude) -- and easy to catch if the student is DUMB enough (like this student) to flag the behavior in a posting! x

The student is saying that she will cheat and just post messages the instructor like in order to kiss up to him and try to get a good grade (better than she deserves)! This particular student continued with similar behavior -- other inappropriate postings including plagiarism (stealing stuff from the Internet and pretending she wrote it) and ended the semester with a zero as the discussion grade.



(3) SKIP THE READING ASSIGNMENTS. Remember this is college, you are here to learn about NEW things based on how the REAL world works, and you are supposed to use your brain for your own critical (careful judgment) and reflective (careful consideration) thinking! For this reason you must read your textbook and the required reading assignments for each discussion topic -- and all instruction pages like this one! As quality control -- since there are often students who don't have the willingness to read anything -- if I suspect that you have not read the assigned reading material for the discussions you may be removed from the discussion and/or lose points.

Some assignments have worksheets quizzes or key quizzes to be submitted on Blackboard for quality purpose. x


(4) PLAGIARIZE. The messages you post must be YOUR OWN WRITING (spell checked). Do NOT copy from the Internet and pretend you wrote it.

Using a quote from the Internet can sometimes make a posted opinion stronger. This is of course allowed -- IF you make it as a quote, give the source, and if your own opinion and writing makes up the biggest part of your posting. (You must mark the quote with quotation marks, and you must state the source -- name of person or organization AND the URL where the text quoted can be found.) Click on this link for more on plagiarism if you don't understand.

YOU CANNOT COPY OTHER PEOPLES WRITING, on the Internet, in books and magazines, other student's writings, etc., and pretend that you wrote it. If you think another persons writing is so good that you like to share and include some of it in your posting, you must PARAPHRASE -- rewrite it in your own words, or mark it as a QUOTE. Plagiarizing is cheating, don't do it! x

I have more than once caught students who almost verbatim copied already posted messages by other students in the class. Is this laziness or is the student perhaps not smart enough to come up with his or her own statements? Hard to know why. Student caught plagiarizing one time -- textbook, Internet, other students, or anything else -- will EARN a zero on BOTH the General Class Discussion assignment and the Town Hall Meeting assignment.

Don't be stupid. Plagiarism is CHEATING. Write your own messages using your own words. You are allowed to post quotes -- if marked as quotes -- but if you only post quotes the whole discussion period you are going to get a low grade for the assignment... x


(5) WRITE LIKE A THIRD GRADER or A CRIMINAL GANG MEMBER. Keep the language clean -- use acceptable language expected in a college level discussion! Don't write like an uneducated criminal gang member. Your messages must be SPELL CHECKED -- use the spell checker of a word processor before you post your messages. Don't write like an uneducated third grader.

In case you don't know, the lowest STC Developmental English level, ENGL. 0071, is considered 3rd grade level -- a clear indication that the educational system is failing when students attending STC write like 3rd graders... x

These days spell checking is easy to do with a computer spell checker. Use it! I don't have time to check all messages for spelling errors, but I will select a few bulletin boards and remove all messages with spelling and punctuation errors. All sentences ALWAYS ends with a PERIOD. A new sentence ALWAYS starts with a CAPITAL letter. The English pronoun I (Spanish yo), is always written with a CAPITAL letter. Finally, don't use instant message / text message hieroglyphics (cell phone text messaging abbreviations) -- at least not in the main body of your message! It is an uneducated way of writing. If you want to personalize your messages with an instant message / text message abbreviation as a greeting at the beginning or as a sign off signature, that is OK. But keep the body of the message you wish to EARN a grade for at an educated level. (Did you click on the instant message / text message link?)

DON'T USE "TWITTER LANGUAGE" when posting. This is college!x

x For more detailed grading criteria, including what may happen to misspelled messages, see the Grading Criteria in the Syllabus. For more discussion ethics, continue reading...

Internet Caution

The Internet, especially the World Wide Web, is a good resource for information, to e.g., update or supplement topics in lecture notes or textbooks. An Internet search that takes just seconds will provide, at least hundreds, usually thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, of sources for almost any subject. However, be careful -- sometimes very careful, about the reliability of information that can be obtained from these sources.

There is sometimes (very often) no editorial control.

Anyone with access to a server can put up anything they want -- rumors, myths, speculations, lies, conspiracy theories, racist statements, instructions how to build or obtain dangerous items, sightings of Elvis, etc.

Don't believe everything on the Internet! Use critical thinking and ask what information you have about the source. (Is it a person or a group you know anything about? What motivation do they have, do they promote a special interest?) A good way to evaluate the reliability is to look at the language. (Is it moderate and balanced, or is it exaggerated? Is it a well-reasoned analysis, or is it a broad generalization?) What and how many sources or links are referenced? (Someone may claim to have obtained data from a reliable source but it may not be true. Always check the original source.) Is the information cross-referenced and corroborated by other independent sources? (Be careful with claims that are not supported by any other evidence. Be careful with deceptive names that portray groups or persons as something they are not.) Don't use one single source when you gather data on the Internet -- find supporting sources.

Notes about the evolution or evolution-related discussions

x This is a science class. The instructor is in charge of the class, and it is not an option for students to select if they do or don't want to participate in the class as intended by the instructor. However, because of previous problems with religious students becoming offended by some postings (not just the evolution discussion but it happens EVERY semester in the evolution discussion, and sometimes also in other discussions).

During the fall 2007 semester on students had a nightmare, which shook her up so much she almost dropped the class. She was, according to her Blackboard posting, dreaming that humans had ape ancestors... Woa. Scary . What a horrible nightmare!

The student EARNED an A at the end of the semester. I hope the nightmares stopped... x

Read the following:

The evolution or evolution-related discussions in this class are NOT about God, they are about EVOLUTION...

You know religion must have popped something in your head when you order wrecking of the almost 2,000-year-old Buddhist masterpieces, including the world's tallest standing Buddha measuring 50 meters (165 feet).
(Click on the article for source and more of the story...)

The discussions are, however (and this is unavoidable), also about religion (but, again, not about God). But in these discussions (or in the videos we will view) we are not going down the "insult rout" -- or call it belittled, offended, or below the belt -- or whatever term you may invent because you don't dare to learn about the REAL world, or want to hear an opinion that differ from your opinion (in the class discussions or in the videos we are viewing). It is more than a little egocentric (look up the term if you don't understand the meaning) to think that a message is directed only to one self. Feeling offended or belittled is therefore self-inflicted, from reading something into a message that isn't there.

We are debating because it is important for our society (for an example of that see the article above about the destruction of the Buddha statues), and for the quality of education. Belittled means "unimportant". However, people with creationist ideas should not feel "unimportant" since scientists all over the world are debating them on the topic. After all we don't debate people who think the Earth is flat.

Some people don't like to hear other people making fun of "their" opinion, I suspect probably because they are not very sure that "their" opinion/idea is correct, but since they have had the opinion/idea their whole life -- often received from uneducated parents or NOT received from an education system that failed them -- they have decided to close their mind and refuse to learn and update their views to modern thinking.

However, who decided it was just "their" opinion? Again, It is more than a little egocentric to think that a message is directed only to one self.

Conveying a message by making fun is called "satire" and it is a method allowed for both sides in a debate. It is a very effective way of conveying a message -- such as in the cartoon below. (You will notice, if you haven't already, that Dr. Nilsson's CyberClassroom is full of these cartoons, conveying a message on many different topics.) Therefore, get mad, slap back, defend your standpoint while listening to other people's opinions -- or laugh , but don't get offended -- and don't think you offend people with an opinionated, but civilized, response. We live in a democracy, with academic freedom and freedom of speech.

Students in the face-to-face classes were informed the first day of class that they have no right to become offended in these class discussions. This goes for the online classes as well. This is so important that the key quiz you must take to participate has a question about this. If someone cannot stomach these kinds of discussions, perhaps you should not go to college -- at least not a public college. If you don't like to hear peoples opinions -- especially the one's you don't like, perhaps you should find a small private college where freedom of speech and academic freedom is prohibited.


Be happy you were born or live in the United States -- where freedom of expression is allowed...

So, don't get offended by what is said in these discussions. We definitely do not want to agree that makes for boring messages that cannot be called discussions! This is the Internet! This is higher education! This is Academic Freedom! This is Freedom of Speech! This is Biology! This is interesting! We live in a democracy; we don't live in a Taliban country, where women walk around with a sack over their head.

You come to college to LEARN! Open your mind!

Remember, as long as the language is civilized, you are not graded on WHAT you say in these class discussions, nor your opinion, nor how you say it (except: You must check your spelling!) -- you are graded on IF you say something, or not on a regular basis during the discussion session...

Did you read that? You are graded on IF you say something -- with regular participation THROUGHOUT THE DISCUSSION PERIOD -- NOT on your opinion! You are graded on IF you say something, or not on a regular basis during the discussion session...

If you don't want to participate, that is your option, but you will EARN a ZERO on the assignment if not doing the minimum requirements listed in the Grading Criteria for the class and discussed on this page. This will of course lower the course letter grade EARNED at the end of the semester. See the Grading Criteria for additional details.

x If you have not done so already, you need to take a look at the Grading Criteria for the class so that you understand how you will EARN the grade points for these class discussions. Remember, it has nothing to do with your opinion, but it has a lot to do with your time spent composing worthwhile thought through messages -- throughout the discussion period -- and thereby your attitude toward the discussion assignments.

--- Do you need more coffee? ---

x We are on the brink of destroying our planet by global climate change caused by greedy, materialistic, self-indulgent, and "anything goes" human behavior, and I claim that the main reason for this behavior is an ever-increasing poorly educated superstitious faith based human mindset -- not understanding how the real world works -- allowed to rule and control interaction with the planet. Dr. Jan A. Nilsson


It was once said that the best college professors are intellectual gangsters with unconventional views and methods to open the minds of students. I don't know if I qualify for such honorable distinction, but I definitely try! We have a lot of work ahead of us. It is an uphill battle, but QUALITY education is the solution.

I take great pride when I get e-mail or bulletin board messages from students complimenting this class and my teaching method -- so I will end with a message from two former students:

As this class draws to a close, I just had to say I'm really going to miss it! This has been such a great opportunity for me to challenge myself after all the classes I have had where professors drive me mad "babying" the students. I really did not expect to have had this class be as engaging as it was. I remember being slightly overwhelmed when I first read the syllabus and grading criteria, but as soon as I got the hang of it all I have to say it was so much fun! Even my husband loved to read the postings and watch the videos! We looked forward to reading your replies (especially for some of the ridiculous postings!) I appreciate the opportunity to speak my mind about real world topics and debate with others. Eugene and jacqueline with a little j...I have so enjoyed reading your postings as well! Dr. Nilsson, you are one in a million...you are truly a breath of fresh air!
(Student, Biol. 2306.V02, Spring 2009.)
WHAT KEEPS ME ON MY TOES IS DR.NILSSON AND HES AGGRESIVE AND UNIQUE WAY OF MAKING US THINK AND DEBATE...I ACTUALLY HAVE FRIENDS AND FAMILY BESIDE ME, WAITING IN ATICEPATION WHILE IM LOGGING IN TO BIOLOGY COURSE TO READ WHAT DR. Nilsson has to written in regards to our beliefs... This course is JAW-DROPPING, Eye opening, and KNOWLEDGEABLE....... Dr.Nilsson makes us students and readers, get upset, mad and become researchers.... The reason why I say reseachers is because to reply to Dr.Nilsson, I need to be positive about the facts. I HAVE NEVER DEBATED AND QUESTIONED SO MUCH ON MY BELIEFS AND MY IQ, UNTIL THIS COURSE WITH DR.NILSSON. EVEN THOUGH I TOOK PHILOSOPHY)WHICH IS A DEBATE CLASS). Dr.Nilsson, thank you, for challenging my knowledge, and my intelligence, I CAN HONESTLY SAY DR.NILSSON, YOU MADE ME LOOK AT TEACHERS A WHOLE DIFFERENT WAY .... :)
(Student, Biol. 1408.V63, Summer III 2011.)

It is an interesting world out there -- let's think about it and let's talk about it. Let's not be afraid of it, and let's not be afraid of discussing it. Since this is Biology, let's discuss the real world, the local and the world environment we experience every day. Since this is a college class, let's use independent critical and reflective thinking, based on facts and educated opinions.

Dr. Nilsson

The course content may vary to meet the needs of a particular class, and the information may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances. The instructor therefore reserves the right to alter (add, delete, or revise) any items of the course, syllabus and course calendar, online or via verbal instructions in class. The student is responsible for taking note of any such changes and acting accordingly.

Page Design Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jan A. Nilsson. Page created 12.IX.2006, last updated 06.V.2014, most likely during the wee hours of the morning on an iMac -- for the record -- owned by Jan A. Nilsson. Web page layout and design © and intellectual property Jan A. Nilsson. Content on Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice may not be used for commercial purposes. All rights reserved. Except for educational purposes and 'fair use' (see below), reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents without written permission is prohibited. If used for educational purposes and 'fair use', including photographs, obtained permission is not needed but source must be given. (Some clip art, texts and backgrounds used on Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice downloaded for educational purposes and/or 'fair use' from Internet free domain has no source.)

Photo: Spanish Dagger, Hidalgo County (near Sullivan City), Rio Grande Valley, Texas Copyright © 2006, Jan A. Nilsson.

-- Disclaimer: "Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice", at the time of writing located as a file under the South Texas College's (STC) web server with the general URL http://www.southtexascollege.edu/, is the intellectual property of Dr. Jan A. Nilsson, member of STC biology faculty. The content of Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice does not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the STC faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Trustees.

-- Fair Use Notice: Web pages on Dr. Nilsson's CyberOffice are used for educational purposes; I understand the "fair use notice" below as the correct interpretation of the copyright law. Fair non-commercial use is necessary in order to maintain an open and free Internet -- as originally intended. As an educator I thank whom it may concern for allowing the use of material under the "fair use rule" for educational purposes to educate this and future generations.

Source Taliban Photo ( Taliban women in burqa, photo by Richar Leuchtag.)
Source Taliban Cartoon (Taliban men who don't wish women to have an education.)

If anyone feels that his or her material cannot be used this way I will immediately remove it if notified.

(Statement originating from www.sullivan-county.com/)
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