Devon, the figure above is an icon I made of the top of the page of the online Biology4Kids home page. You can navigate to that page by clicking on the figure (it is a link and it will open in a new window). But first read this page where I explain a few things...

When you have read this page -- all the way down, start by clicking on the icon above to go to the web site. Read that web page and click around if you wish.

When you are ready to start, the first quiz you are going to take is an "introduction quiz" called BIOLOGY OVERVIEW, or General Biology Quiz. It is not included in the link list above, for some reason (but it is still quiz #01). I have not found any page to read before taking this quiz -- unlike all the others where you must read a page before taking the quiz. But just like all quizzes on this web site, it is the learning tool -- you answer and you learn from the correct or incorrect answers you gave. The link on the first page looking like this:

While you take the quiz fill in the handout that I have provided (Quiz 01: Biology Overview). That handout looks like this:

The handout and the quizzes have 10 questions. If you answer incorrectly you must answer again until you get the correct answer. You learn! Circle the correct multiple choice answer AND fill in the blanks for those questions that have fill in the blanks part on the handout (not all do). Only the handout has fill-in-the-blanks questions. The quizzes online only have multiple choice questions. To give you an idea, the first question looks like this on the handout:

On the web site it looks like this:

If answer is correct:
If answer is incorrect:

Then fill in the blank text is the text given when you get the answer correct / or incorrect. Read it and fill in the blanks on the handout...

When you have finished with the Biology Overview Quiz (Quiz 01), as we progress through the semester, click on the link menu in order, read the page and take the quiz -- Scientific Studies, Cell Structure, Cell Function, Microorganisms, Invertebrates, Vertebrates, and Animal Systems -- and fill in the handout of each quiz that will provide when you are ready for each new quiz (after I have graded them)...

OK, I think that is it. Time to start! Scroll back up and click on the big icon on top of this page...

Your Instructor